Short Term Rentals in Turkey: License Application Procedures & Airbnb Listings of Luxury Residences

In recent regulatory developments affecting the short term rentals and Airbnb listings of luxury residences in Turkey, the government has issued a secondary regulation that refines the legislative framework governing short-term residential rentals and the license application procedures. This is the secondary regulation to the Law introduced last year (covered extensively in our previous article) …

Recent Constitutional Court Decision Echoes the Importance of Data Protection in M&A Transactions

In the contemporary business landscape of Turkey, the role policies regulating the data protection in M&A transactions has gained unprecedented importance, especially in the realm of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). This heightened significance is propelled by the increasing trend of foreign companies entering the Turkish market through acquisitions. These transactions, which often involve complex data …

Increased Minimum Capital Requirement for Joint Stock and Limited Liability Companies

Published in the Official Gazette on 25.11.2023, the Presidential Decree No. 7887 dated 24.11.2023, significantly amends the minimum capital requirements for joint stock and limited liability companies in Turkey. This pivotal change, augmenting the capital amounts set forth since the enactment of the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC) No. 6102 in 2012, carries substantial implications for …

Short-Term Rental Regulations in Turkey: New Legal Framework and Impact on AIRBNB Rentals

The significance of tourism in the global economy and the changing habits of travel have made short-term residential rentals a popular alternative among accommodation options. The rise of platforms like Airbnb and the rapid growth of the sector have begun to render existing legal regulations insufficient, necessitating new legislation in many countries, resulting in the …

Electricity Licensing in Turkey: An In-Depth Guide to Market Regulations

Turkey's energy landscape is as dynamic and multifaceted as its rich cultural heritage, with the electricity sector being a cornerstone of its economic vitality. The country's robust growth and strategic geographic position have catapulted the demand for energy, making Electricity Licensing in Turkey a topic of paramount importance for domestic and international stakeholders alike. This …

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