Emir Aksoy LL.M, LL.M. IP First stage is the notice and takedown for copyright infringements , which requires the content provider to takedown the infringing content from the website within three days […]
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II. CONDITIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT SECURITY Article 18 of the law clearly defines the conditions of employment security. Accordingly, any worker/employee who has been working for at least six months in […]
I. OVERVIEW Debt collection procedures in Turkey can be quite complex and can take a lot longer on average than most EU countries. The complexities arise from the lack of transparency […]
Emir Aksoy LL.M, LL.M. IP In the case of dissolution of the partnership, the court in charge is the civil court of peace, and if the subject of the lawsuit […]
Emir Aksoy LL.M, LL.M. IP Intellectual Property of a company in most of the cases determines the price of the company and should be carefully analyzed during the DD process. […]
Although tech giants might create their own Upload Filter, as they have more than enough resources to do so, the new directive will mostly hit the smaller platforms. The cost […]